Friday, December 27, 2013

Sabun cuci muka terbaik

Hai, saya akan berbagi mengenai produk yang saya gunakan sehari-hari!

Saya tidak tahu apakah saya mempunyai Kulit yang sensitive atau bagaimana. Saya Sudah mencoba segala macam sabun cuci muka dari yang paling murah sampai yang paling mahal! Tapi apa hasilnya ? Akhirnya muka saya di penuhi oleh jerawat, muka saya menjadi berminyak bahkan kadang kering kusam!
Saya benar-benar sangat membenci sabun cuci muka. Yang dapat saya gunakan hanya mencuci muka dengan air. Karena hanya hal itu yang tidak membuat muka saya berjerawat.
Sampai, suatu saat saya menemuka Produk ini !!

Gonyak Soft Jelly cleansing foam by Holika-holika (Korea)!
Holika-Holika baru saja Grand Opening di Batam dan saya sempat kesana dan direkomendasikan menggunakan produk ini.
Untuk Kalian yang susah menemukan sabun cuci muka yang cocok untuk kalian mungkin kalian bisa mencoba untuk menggunakan ini. Produk ini merupakan pilihan terbaik menurut saya. Apalagi kalau kalian memiliki masalah yang sama seperti saya, susah menemukan sabun cuci muka yang cocok. Daripada tidak cuci muka ? hahaa
Gonyak ini mengandung :
 - 10% of konjac root extract
 - Hasil yang lembut dengan smooth konjac biz.
 - Konjac ingredient yang terbukti bagus dalam hydrolysis of protein membersihkan make up, impurities and membersihkan pores. 
 - Membersihkan debu di kulit dan impurities with rich lather.
 - No-silicon, no- benzophenone, no-triethanolamine, and no-artificial color

Bagaimana cara menggunakannya ?
Yah sama seperti sabun cuci muka lainnya, gunakan secukupnya pada telapak tangan lalu basahkan dengan sedikit air, bersihkan ke muka dengan cara memijat dengan lembut dan terakhir bilas dengan air hangat.

Sabun cuci muka ini juga mempunyai packaging yang lebih gampang digunakan dan tentunya ya lebih mahal di banding yang jelly. (mahal sekitar 20-30rb aja kok)
 Gonyak Soft Bubble cleansing foam.
Yang ini dalam bentuk bubble dan ada brush nya.
jadi kita cukup tekan saja dan akan kluar sabun dari brush dan pijatkan saja di muka.
really easy to use!
Setelah saya membersihkan wajah saya dengan sabun ini saya benar-benar merasa fresh. Dan sampai sekarang jerawat sudah tidak pernah timbul lagi di muka saya. Saya mencuci muka saya dengan gonyak setiap pagi dan malam.

Eh, saya punya dua macam sabun di atas loh, Sebenarnya fungsinya sama saja, cuma saat pertama saya beli produk ini saya melihat yang bubble lebih gampang digunakan (kenyataannya memang gampang) tapi pada saat saya ingin pulang kampung saya memb dibeli sabun yang jelly karena lebih kecil dan gampang dibawa.

Semoga review ini bermafaat dan  mungin saya akan update step by step cara nya saat saya pulang rumah (saya sedang bekerja) hahaa

Ini produk korea yang bagus untuk di coba. Apalagi jika kalian memiliki masalah seperti saya

Jika kalian tidak menemukan produk ini di daerah kalian, kalian bisa contact saya (+6282121681993) atau email
Harga produk ini berkisar antara 180.000 sampai 200.000 (Saya gak begitu ingat juga, memang mahal sih tapi pantas untuk kualitasnya :) )
Untuk produk holika-holika yang lain juga bisa saya bantu cari di holika shop di batam.
Saya bisa membantu untuk membelinya (Dikirim dari Batam sementara ke daerah Indonesia saja) Saya tidak jualan yah, cuma membantu anda mendapatkan produk. Jadi, Biaya pengiriman di tanggung kalian :)



Best Cleansing foam

Hi, I'm gonna share with you about my routine cleansing foam!

I don't know but maybe i have a sensitive skin or whatever. you know, i have tried so many kind of cleansing foam from the cheapest to expensive one! and the result is! pimple pop here and there, or my skin become oily, or dry. Until Water is still the best way to clean my face to avoid that pimples! I really hate cleansing foam until i found this product.. by Holika-holika.

Gonyak Soft Jelly cleansing foam by Holika-holika (Korea)!
Maybe for those who hardly find a best cleansing foam for your skin, this could be a best choice to try.
This Gonyak contain of
 - 10% of konjac root extract
 - Soft finish with smooth konjac biz.
 - Konjac ingredient that is excellent on hydrolysis of protein cleanses make-up impurities and pores cleanly. 
 - Cleanses clearly external dust and impurities with rich lather.
 - No-silicon, no- benzophenone, no-triethanolamine, and no-artificial color
And How to use it ?
Just like the other cleansing foam  Pour moderate amount. Wet with little bit of water, and lather. Cleanses like massaging gently according to skin texture, and rinse with warm water.

Anyway They got this kind of packaging that will make us easier to use! Gonyak Soft Bubble cleansing foam.
It's bubble foam and there is a brush there.
After I wash my face with this cleansing foam i feel so fresh and i never see my pimples pop up again as i wash my face everyday and night! (with skincare routine of course)
I got both Bubble and jelly, why ? Actually they have the same function but at first i found bubble one is easier to use (it's really nice) but then i want to go back hometown and i buy  the jelly one with smaller packaging.

Hope this review is usefull. I will update step by step when i reach home (I'm working now) ;)
This is a korea product that you should try :)
And if you couldn't found this product in your area, you could contact me (+6282121681993) or email me
The price is about IDR 180.000 to 200.000 (I am not sure exactly and yes, quite expensive but it's worth spending :) )
I will help you to buy and i'll ship from Batam (to Indonesia only, and I am not selling! i am just helping :) so the shipping cost will be charge to you )



Monday, December 23, 2013

One of my favorite place to stay at Batam for Holiday!

Holiday is here!! It's December 23th 2013!
Christmast is coming soon!!

Where are you all going for holidays ?
and Me ?
Anyone gonna have holidays at Batam, Indonesia ?
I just came back from one of Batam's Resort and I really love it!
Batam got a lot of place to visit anyhow!
I just stay in Montigo Resort and feel so relaxed.
For all facilities, information and reservation you can go to their website
You won't regret :')



Thursday, December 19, 2013

How to Live your Life from today!

Hello, How’s your school day ?

School is a place to learn, to study. Kinder Garten to University ? 

Remember when you are just so young, a baby, you learn to laugh, to eat, to talk, to walk? We don’t have it in curriculum on what everyone called school..

Everyday on your life is a school, everyday we learn and study about everything! It’s just in “school” we are being teach by a teacher, a lecturer, they lead us. But in real life, you learn everything even there is one lead you or you should lead yourself. Learn to know the society, everything.

Our topic today is not about school, it’s about life. Learning to know your real life.

When I was 15 my mom left me, she got a cancer and back to where she belong only 5 days after she diagnosed to have a cancer. When my mom sick I still have a mood to hang out with my friends all day. Why ? Is it because I don’t understand ? or I don’t care ? I was 15 I think it’s enough to understand my mom situation but why ? I don’t accompany her in home , I don’t take care of her. And now she’s gone, and I regret ? regret won’t turn back things. Isn’t it ? Only if I could wash my mind that time and care to my family. I Wouldn’t be regret as I did know.

Back then, a year after my mom left me. It’s my dad turn. He died of pneumonia caused by ciggarate.
I had a bad quarrel with my dad few days before he passed. Because he don’t wanna feed by me but my sister! Yes, I was mad that day L But I can’t think that he was sick so I should understand. I choose to be quiet. I don’t talk to him.. What kind of daughter I am ?

Thinking back of those time make me feel so sad and regret. But regret won’t change anything.
All that I know now I should be better. I won’t do that silly things that will make me regret all my life.
And for those who doesn’t treat your parent, your family good. Maybe now you hate them, but remember.. they take care of you, do everything for you. When you are a little baby and cry the whole night, they take care of you, they never complain. You took their bed time. They don’t sleep well. One day if you lose them, you’ll regret, just like me. Don’t let regret be too late. Love your family, Be a better person now J



Best Quote that I Love

 Merely having an open mind is nothing. The object of opening the mind, as of opening the mouth, is to shut it again on something solid. 
— G.K. Chesterton

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” –Chinese Proverb

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” –Steve Jobs

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” –John Lennon

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.”  –Buddha

“Every child is an artist.  The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” –Pablo Picasso

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” –Henry Ford

“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.” – Farrah Gray

“An unexamined life is not worth living. “–Socrates

“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.” – Les Brown

“Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat, lazy, or stupid. Those things are what happen when you don’t have a plan.” – Larry Winget

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” –Michael Jordan

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” –Wayne Gretzky

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” – Steve Jobs

“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”–Joshua J. Marine

“The best revenge is massive success.” – Frank Sinatra

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” – Carl Bard

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

First Introduction ♥

Hello Everybody,

This is my First Article in my 2nd  Blog. I just write my 1st blog this month actually, but I don’t know why I can’t log in to my account even though I have try so many times. That’s a bad Luck, but not a bad Life.

My Name is Enrica Princessa (Cessa), I live in Batam, Riau, Indonesia.

Well, I began to know about blogger is when I was in senior high school, I was 17 years old. My sister (16 years old) learn about bussines marketing at school. And learn to use Blogger for Marketing strategy. So, I join her to get to know about this, she learn from school and I learn it from her!

But at that age, It is just curiousity to use blogger.  We managed to get a Customer that looking for woods. Fortunately I got a friend that work at woods distributor. So, I asked for their contact person, and we contacted the Supplier but do you know what happen ? He think we are using a way by asking for woods to get to know him. HAHA. Yeah, he’s only 25 years old (I know because my  friends told me). We’re so mad that don’t even wanna think about it anymore.

So, that’s all, we end up there. *funny little kids!

Then I was graduate and work at a Tax Consultant for 2 years (2011- Mei 2013) they don’t have an internet connection for staff computer (So bad) I can’t even e-mail, browsing, etc.
In November 2013 I start work at General Trading and ship chandler company as an accounting staff (Only handle Invoicing and Cost of Goods Sold and was given full accounting of their small bussines in different town).

I have many free time actually at office. And Fortunately now I Have internet connection in my office, all units of computer. *dancing

When I finished my job and free. I do browsing and suddenly look at an advertisement that make me think of making some extra money, Online. There are so many ways indees. But I have to know my skill.

I’m not one of them. But then I read about blogging, it takes me back to my school time when I first know about blogging for business marketing. Now I’m learning about adsense and I know it’s not easy to be approved when I know I am not a good writer.. L but I love to share, I just don’t know how to describe it become a good sentences that everybody will able to read, to understand, to like.

But do you ever hear about this Quote, Practices make Perfect! I know I will ! :')

